Dimulakan pada Sep 22, 2023


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Let's help the 3,000 vulnerable people that will benefit from this Qurbani programme, insya-Allah. Love from Uganda!

Qurbani is referring to the sacrifice of animals. According to Islam, every year, Muslims around the world, during the month of Dhulhijjah, slaughter an animal, for example, a goat, sheep, cow, or camel. This is done to reflect the prophet Ibrahim’s act, where he wanted to sacrifice his only son, Ismail, for the sake of Allah. The prophet himself carried out multiple Qurbani for himself and the ummah. By doing this act, you help vulnerable people. This is done to ensure they have a vital source of protein for the blessed days of Eid-al-Adha.

On this note, therefore, reap the rewards of the blessed days of Dhulhijjah by giving Qurbani today. The story tells us that sincerity and purity of intention are the most important parts of the Qurbani, and recite to them the story of Adam’s two sons in truth when they both offered a sacrifice to Allah, and it was accepted by one of them but not by the other.

According to Islam, Qurbani is compulsory for every Muslim who is sane, adult male or female, and who has wealth in excess of his or her needs. The people who will receive the Qurbani meat include widows, orphans, refugees, poor elders, disabled people, and all needy Muslims.

Qurbani is done every year in the month of Dhulhijjah, in the days of Eid al-Adha. The Qurbani meat packages that will be prepared will contain an average of three kilogrammes that will be distributed to each person. This will be done door-to-door and from mosque to mosque. This campaign is targeting 33,000 vulnerable people who will benefit from the Qurbani program.


The importance of giving Qurbani is that it demonstrates obedience to Allah. It ensures you are following His wishes by supporting those in need around the world. Qurbani also teaches about the valuable acts of giving and shows them that all people are equal before Allah.

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